Https Mathematics Files Bsed_programlearningoutcomes.pdf
We have a lot to look forward to this fall, including near-normal campus operation and the opening of the recently expanded and renovated Barnard Hall — home to the School of Education and Professional Studies. The Applied Innovation Hub next to the library also will open soon!
During the past academic year, we were very successful in mitigating COVID-19 exposure on campus. We will continue to follow best practices as recommended and/or mandated by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Connecticut Department of Public Health (DPH), and the Connecticut State Colleges & Universities system. Your health and safety is our top priority!
We encourage you to review the full Fall 2021 Blueprint for a Successful Semester for details by clicking here.
Below are some of the highlights.
The Board of Regents, which oversees the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities (CSCU) system including CCSU, has voted to require students and employees to be fully vaccinated for the COVID-19 virus or attain approval for a medical or non-medical exemption before coming to campus .
Students: Students who live on campus, attend classes on campus, or participate in any kind of activity on campus must be vaccinated against COVID-19 and provide proof of vaccination by uploading an image of their completed vaccination card through the Medicat student health portal.
Here's how:
- Use your CCSU BlueNet credentials to log in.
- Once there, click on "UPLOADS" and select "COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card."
- If you have issues or questions about your BlueNet account, visit the BlueNet Account Information page.
For more information on the vaccination requirement process or exemptions, go to our Vaccination webpage.
Employees: Employees are expected to provide their vaccination status by filling out this form by Monday, Aug. 30.
Employees who do not disclose their vaccination status and those who apply for a non-medical exemption must undergo weekly COVID testing and wear a face mask when indoors on campus.
Most of our fall classes (90 percent) will be held on-ground. We've reconfigured classrooms to allow for the state's recommended social distancing guidelines; the other 10 percent of fall classes will be fully online or a hybrid format.
CCSU also is working to provide the greatest number of experiential opportunities (practicums, internships, student teaching, clinical and field placements, etc.) possible to students while operating from a "safety first" mindset.
The square footage of classrooms has been reviewed and modified to help control the spread of COVID-19. Modifications include the removal of furniture, relocation of desks, chairs, and teacher stations to allow for better physical spacing. The conversion of large open areas into lecture halls has enabled the University to create new teaching spaces. Other safety measures include:
- While in a classroom, students and instructors are required to wear a face mask.
- Faculty teaching behind plexiglass at a teacher's station may intermittently remove their mask.
- In labs that require student-partners, masks and shields must be worn.
COVID-19 is a unique virus spread from person to person through respiratory droplets when infected individuals cough, sneeze, or talk. With this in mind, CCSU is following the Centers for Disease Control's (CDC) guidelines and Governor Lamont's executive orders as they pertain to best practices for limiting exposure and spread of the virus through the wearing of face masks and other PPE as appropriate, physical (social distancing), crowd limitations, and aggressive cleaning and sanitization practices.
All CCSU faculty, staff, students, visitors, and vendors are required to abide by the following:
Other than the exceptions stated below, the wearing of face masks is required in all campus buildings, and we recommend wearing them outdoors where 3 feet of social distance is not feasible.
The campus community is strongly encouraged to purchase their own masks. Cloth and disposable face masks will be provided for those who do not bring their own from home. Mask-dispensing stations will be offered at the University's four former smoking huts. During the first two weeks of the semester, tents outside of academic buildings also will provide a supply of masks and information about the University's health & safety protocols.
Those with underlying medical conditions and have been advised by a medical professional to refrain from wearing a face mask or other PPE cannot come to campus until they consult with either Human Resources (faculty and staff) or the Office of Student Disability Services (students).
- Students are not required to wear face masks when in their residence hall room.
- In classrooms, students and instructors are required to wear a face mask.
- Faculty teaching behind plexiglass at a teacher's station may intermittently remove their mask.
- Individuals eating in university designated dining areas may remove their mask.
- Faculty and staff who work in a private office or a cubicle with 60-inch-high walls or plexiglass can remove their mask.
- During a presentation, individuals who are at a podium at least 12 feet from the audience can remove their mask when speaking.
- In labs that require student-partners, masks and shields must be worn.
Following CDC guidance, we require individuals to maintain 3 feet of distance indoors and outdoors.
In alignment with state guidelines, resident students, student athletes, residence hall staff, and commuter students will undergo periodic COVID-19 testing.
All non-vaccinated students and employees or those who can't provide documentation of vaccination will be tested every week.
Before visitors and guests come to campus, CCSU's COVID Health & Safety Protocols require that you take a quick symptom monitoring survey.
Questions, please call (860) 832-3200. Thank you!
Do not come to campus or leave your dorm room until you take the CCSU Symptom Monitoring Survey. This applies to all students, faculty, and staff regardless of vaccination status.
Employees: After taking the survey, do not come to campus until you contact the Office of Human Resources at (860) 832-3202. Decisions as to whether or not someone is cleared to come to campus must be made by the Human Resources contact tracing team, not individual employees. Questions may be directed to Daniel Moreland in Human Resources at
If someone reports information related to COVID-19 to you, please share that information by calling the COVID-19 Hotline at (860) 832-3200.
Students: After taking the survey, remain in your dorm room or stay home until you speak with University Health Services.
If a member of the CCSU community is seen not complying with the University's Health and Safety protocols, the following actions shall be taken.
Issues involving employees
HR promptly provides assistance and direction to managers, deans, and supervisors to address instances of noncompliance, working within the confines of collective bargaining agreements where applicable.
Issues involving students
- Faculty/staff remind student of University's health and safety requirements.
- Faculty/staff direct noncompliant student to leave classroom/office/area
- Faculty/staff call Student Affairs Office (860) 832-1601 for immediate assistance (and a member of the Student Response Team will be dispatched to the site. The responder will determine if and when CCSU Police assistance is required.
- The case may be referred to the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities for additional review and possible disciplinary action.
Issues involving visitors & vendors
Reports of noncompliant visitors, vendors, and others who fail to follow health and safety protocols (e.g. wearing a face mask or social distancing) should be directed to the CCSU COVID Hotline, (860) 832-3200. Upon receiving these compliance complaints, designated personnel are deployed to investigate the matter immediately, identify the status of the noncompliant individual(s) and make a referral to the area responsible for enforcement.
Don't miss out on one of the best college experiences! Six of our residence halls are open, and most of the common spaces that were offline last year are available again — though they'll look a little different. Seating will be a bit more spaced out and there will be fewer pieces of furniture, but resident students will have plenty of room to sprawl out and enjoy lounge spaces, computer labs, kitchens, and other amenities. Visit for more information about living on campus.
What's new this fall?
Students who provide proof that they are fully vaccinated will be permitted to have a nonresidential guest visit if the guest can also provide proof of vaccination.
Resident students can visit all residence halls during the semester. Room visits are permitted but there can never be more than two resident guests in a room.
Family members and outside guests will be allowed in the residence halls IF they have completed the CCSU Symptom Monitoring Survey, shown proof of vaccination, and have registered as a guest with the Hall Director. (Limit of two guests per room.)
Move-in info
- Move-in for freshmen isTuesday, August 24.
- Returning resident student move-in is Wednesday, August 25.
- Resident students will receive an email to schedule a move-in time (a specific day and time will be required to ensure your health and safety).
COVID-19 testing
In alignment with state guidelines, resident students and residence hall staff will undergo periodic COVID-19 testing.
Upon arrival to campus, non-vaccinated students will take a rapid COVID-19 test. If given the all-clear, they will be permitted to move into their residence hall. Throughout the semester, all non-vaccinated resident students will be tested each week.
A percentage of vaccinated resident students and residence hall directors will be tested during the semester.
All resident students will be required to attend University organized orientation meetings to reinforce safety protocols.
This fall brings meal plan flexibility that saves our students money and offers more choices. Freshmen will have two meal plan options and their costs are 10 percent lower than the current rate. Continuing students will have four options and the cost savings ranges between 10 and 49 percent, depending on which plan is selected. Specific details on the flexible options are available by following this link.
Additional campus dining updates
- Memorial Hall will continue to operate as the primary dining facility.
- Tables are outfitted with plexiglass dividers.
- The Devil's Den and Starbucks also will be open (though seating may be limited).
- There will be no Take-Away options at dining halls.
CCSU Athletics is back in action this fall! Detailed safety protocols have been established with guidance from the NCAA, NEC, CDC and CCSU's Athletic Trainers and Medical Team. These protocols govern practices and coordinated team activities. Prior to each contest, a representative of CCSU will communicate these protocols to all visiting institutions. Please visit for more information.
Https Mathematics Files Bsed_programlearningoutcomes.pdf
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